Our second task was to make a video on a website called Animoto that depicts an intrest or hobby. I did my video on guitars seeing as i've been playing since i was very little. The actual video took less than ten minutes to make. The reason its taken me so long to do a second post was because of the array of problems i've had trying to upload the video. Originally the video worked on my computer at home but then not at my school, and then it just wouldn't upload, i tryed dowloading the video and uploading it in various formats. In the end, with some assistance from a friend, I just copied and [pasted the code and it worked fairly well. So yeah, Enjoy :D
Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Part 1. Flickr
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Some of the images are absolutely apalling. there are three in particular that I'm very ashamed of and I think you'll be able to tell which ones they are. I probably should have gotten a few more done as nine is a pretty poor effort on my part but time constraints meant that it was really the best I could do.
Anyway, the work's done, I have another nine mini assignments to do so Enjoy :D